Like most consumers I was very skeptical to say the least when I was first heard about the EZ Breathe ventilation system.How could such a small, compact unit perform such lofty claims? "Rid my home of damaging moisture, replace stale air with clean air 6 - 10 times daily, expel pet dander, allergens, and other harmful unwanted pollutants. Plus, reduce mold growth and Radon". Is all this possible?......
Now, four months after the EZ Breathe system was installed in our home we are extremely satisfied with the results we have experienced. After 8 years we no longer run a dehumidifier. NO more dumping stinky, polluted water or changing nasty filers. The smell in our home is incredibly different. NO more damp, musty odors...
I can't visibly see Radon, allergens, pet dander, mold spores, or other unhealthy airborne pollutants, but I have complete faith in the EZ Breathe system. I totally trust these pollutants are being removed from our home also. Why? If the visible moisture is gone and the noticeable rancid smell is gone.... How could these unwanted invisibles just hang around? DAH! They can't.....
Thank you EZ Breathe for blessing me, my wife, three children, and grandson with a cleaner and much healthier home. The investment in their health and futures was so worth it.... God Bless.... Ricky Sandridge
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